プレスDVD!MID VALLEY RECORDS!ERIC CLAPTON/エリック・クラプトン参加!LEGENDS/レジェンズFLAWLESS - AIM FOR THE BEST!GASTEIZ JAZZ FESTIVAL 1997Polideportiro de Mendizzorroza,Vitoria,Spain,July 17th 1997 プロ・ショット決定版!!収録曲 :01 Intoroduction02 Full House03 Marcus#104 Ruthie05 Snakes06 Going Down Slow07 Peeper08 Suggestions09 Third Degree10 1st Song Tango11 Put It Where You Want12 Jerry Roll13 In A Sentimental Mood14 Layla15 Everyday I Have The BluesFLAWLESS GASTEIZ JAZZ FESTIVALPolideportiro de Mendizzorroza,Vitoria,Spain,July 17th 1997